The last week has been quite eventful on the farm. We've been putting in months of behind the scenes work... and are just beginning to see the fruits of our labor! Quite literally. haha The veggie garden is exploding with life, and we are starting to see the first couple of flower blooms.
How beautiful are these cosmos?!
During the week, I do the bulk of my work while Noah naps! But for little jobs I need to get done during the day, I will lay a quilt under the play pen and plop a few toys down. I can usually get a good 10- 15 minutes in before he starts crying and then he's back on my hip again. haha But I'll take what I can get! Lucky he's so cute
About half of the field has already been planted with warm tender annuals, and we spent this weekend prepping the other half. Each time we prepare a bed we are tilling the ground, adding amendments, laying down irrigation and then fabric. As you can see, its a true team effort... Anabelle would step on one end of the drip tape (peep the cute cowgirl boots) while Jason pulled the other end straight, and then Noah and I went down the line and laid the staples to hold it in place.
I'm always looking forward to the weekends when Jason's off work and Anabelle is home from school. Sure, it can be more difficult to get things done with two young kids but my heart is truly happiest when we are all together. And honestly, Anabelle is such a big help. I remember being so worried about how our family would change when I found out I was pregnant with Noah. After being an only child for so man years, I was concerned Anabelle might have a hard time adjusting to a new family dynamic and/or struggle with jealousy. While we have definitely had some of those moments, 99% of the time she is just obsessed with her baby brother and loves to make him laugh and keep him entertained.
She's also obsessed with baby animals, which lately happens to be a chick named "silver moonlight" who she brings with her most everywhere she goes. Even in her bedroom to sleep for a couple of days, after she hatched, much to my dismay. haha Though she is back to sleeping outside, Anabelle continues to take very good care of her chick and often brings her out to the garden.
Let's just take a minute to appreciate the veggies. One of my favorite parts of the day is our evening stroll through the garden, together as a family. We walk around to check for bugs and see how well everything is growing. We had our first spring veggie harvest over the weekend! Three big summer squash, a zucchini and lots of bush beans.